Rapture Fallen eBook Lauren Kate

Rapture Fallen eBook Lauren Kate
I am finally done with this series! It has been an odd journey, but Rapture is a pretty good, if annoying, conclusion to Luce and Daniel's epic romance. It picks right up where Passion left off, which means in a giant plot-hole. I tried to ignore it, but then they mentioned how time passed differently in the Announcers than in the present, so I couldn't ignore it. They still think they have nine days to stop Lucifer, even though those nine days are happening in the past, so they really only have a few hours, but they get their nine days to have a scavenger hunt. Yay.Rapture is mainly a scavenger hunt. Daniel remembers that he did research on the Fall way back in the day, and now they have to track down these three relics, go to a predestined location, and all will be revealed. This part was okay. Daniel and Luce, of course, pair off together to go after one the relics and get it, while everyone else is having loads of trouble with their assignments. And enemies become friends because Daniel is awesome, and Luce finally remembers how they first met.
The only thing I really wanted to know at this point was how Luce and Daniel got together in the first place and why it's worth throwing the world into chaos. I had my theory and I was wrong. I totally did not see that coming, although it makes perfect sense (shocking!). I did have plenty of eye-rolling moments, because things do get quite melodramatic when Luce has to face off with someone from her past. It was like an episode of Divorce Court: stupid, yet oddly entertaining. Hooray for relationship drama.
The conclusion of Rapture left me torn. I normally do like this type of ending, but only when the events leading up to it make sense. There's still that issue of choosing between Heaven and Hell, but being Luce and Daniel, they can't just choose one. They have to go all special and out of the box and be ridiculous, because God hates love or something. Then the author screws up time again, because apparently someone can be conceived, born, and turn eighteen within seventeen years. And we don't even learn what happens with the balance. Who won?! God?! Lucifer?! Love?!
Like the rest of the series, Rapture was oddly addicting, but that doesn't really make it good. I suppose I liked it in a way, but mostly found it pretty ridiculous. While the romance has been the main focus, I still wanted to know how this whole war between Heaven and Hell would end, but apparently that is not important when Daniel and Luce's love is on the line. Again.

Tags : Amazon.com: Rapture (Fallen) eBook: Lauren Kate: Kindle Store,ebook,Lauren Kate,Rapture (Fallen),Delacorte Press,Romance - General,Social Themes - Values & Virtues,Visionary & Metaphysical,Angels,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fiction,Fiction-Romance,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Love,Love & Romance,Love stories,Love;Fiction.,Monograph Series, any,Paranormal,Paranormal fiction,Reincarnation,Reincarnation;Fiction.,Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage),Romance - General,Social Themes - Values & Virtues,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,United States,Visionary & Metaphysical,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Values & Virtues,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Visionary & Metaphysical,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Values & Virtues,Young Adult FictionVisionary & Metaphysical,teen books; books for teens; young adult books; ya books; books for teen girls; teen books for girls; teen girl books; teen fiction books; books for teens 12-16 girls; tween books for girls ages 11-14; teen romance books; young adult romance; fantasy books; young adult fantasy books; fantasy books for teens; fantasy books for kids age 12-15; supernatural books; teen supernatural books; teen paranormal romance; teen paranormal books; books about angels; author of Fallen; books for 13 year old girls,teen books;books for teens;young adult books;ya books;books for teen girls;teen books for girls;teen girl books;teen fiction books;books for teens 12-16 girls;tween books for girls ages 11-14;teen romance books;young adult romance;fantasy books;young adult fantasy books;fantasy books for teens;supernatural books;romance books;books for 12 year old girls;books for 13 year old girls;teen books for boys;books for 13 year old boys;books for 12 year old boys;books for 14 year old boys;young adult,Love & Romance,Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Values & Virtues,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Visionary & Metaphysical,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Values & Virtues,Young Adult FictionVisionary & Metaphysical,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage)
Rapture Fallen eBook Lauren Kate Reviews
This book has a very good ending that I can't get out of my head. Lauren Kate did an amazing job and the ending was bitter sweet that it made me cry!!! I loved Luce and Daniels story and am upset that it's over I will definitely miss these characters a lot. I can't believe that it's over! I need more stories about Luce and Daniel!!
Luce and Daniel and the rest of the angels have nine days to stop Lucifer from erasing the past, to do so Luce and Daniel must find where the angels fell but none of the angels seem to have memory of it so they go seeking for 3 relics that when brought together will tell them were the angels fell. During the quest Daniel gets the Outcasts to join them. The Scale are after them and want to make sure that they don't get the 3 relics. They had split into groups, Daniel and Luce successfully finding the 1st relic. But the Outcasts inform Luce and Daniel that there friends are in danger that Arriane, Roland, and Annabelle had been caught by the Scale. Luce and Daniel go to save them along with the Outcast, once they do they go find the 2nd relic and find out that it's a women nicknamed Dee who is Sophia's sister but she was also one of Luce's past aunts. Daniel then says that the Outcasts had informed him that the other angels are in trouble and were captured by the Elders. They go rescue Gabbe, Molly, and Cam who had been set out to find the 3rd relic. The Elders are armed with starshots and attack Luce and Daniel with them but before they could get to them Gabbe and Molly stepped between them saving their lives but Gabbe and Molly die. They end up killing the Elders, Phil tells Daniel that there are only 4 Outcasts left. They them move on to another location in which Dee tells them what must be done to the 3 relics to find out the falls location. Dee tells Luce that she will have to sacrifice Dee in order to see the location, Luce does not want to do it but ends up doing. In Dee's last moments she tells Luce that she gives her the gift of knowledge. They finally find out where the fall takes place which is in Troy, the angels head there. After that Luce starts seeing things and begins to think that she is going crazy but then realizes that they are memories of her past and finally Luce figures out that she was an angel the 3rd close to the Throne and also that her first love was not Daniel but that it was Lucifer but then she realized that he was to controlling and falls for Daniel. Lucifer rebels against God and Luce remembers what had happened at the Roll Call, when Daniel is called he says that he choses neither but choses love, Luce comes up next to Daniel and she agrees with Daniel. Lucifer felt betrayed and then cursed them both. But then Luce also see's another Daniel come up and beg for mercy in which it is granted, then they fall. Luce finally remember everything. Then an announcer has opened in which holds the fallen angels and Lucifer, Daniel tells Luce that she will have to stop him. Luce then comes face to face with Lucifer who tells her that he did this so that her can try to get her back so that they could be together and rule together Luce tells him that she no longer loves him anymore but as they are arguing the Thorne appears and along with with the angels and tells Luce that she has already finished her punishment and it shall be lifted and is asked which side does she chose heaven or hell Luce again says that she choses love and Daniel also stands by her. (Luce also asks the Throne if the Outcasts could go back to heaven, Throne says yes) The Throne offers them that they could be together however they would be reborn as mortals and have no memory as what had happened and who they were and that the angels are banned from seeing them. They both accept.
17 years later Luce and Daniel meet at a college that they are both attending where they don't have any memory who they were but Daniel senses something familiar about her and Daniel and Luce fall in love with each other for the first and last time).( but Lucifer meet with her again for just a few minutes, who she of course didn't recognize.) In the epilogue Annabelle, Arraine, Roland, (Shelby and Miles are married and also expecting a child)Shelby and Miles are watching over Luce and Daniel. And no one seems to know what happened to Cam.( Annabelle asks Shelby and Miles if they want a heads up on when Daniel and Luce will have their first date? Miles says aren't they suppose to leave them alone but Shelby quickly disagrees and says yes she would.
I am finally done with this series! It has been an odd journey, but Rapture is a pretty good, if annoying, conclusion to Luce and Daniel's epic romance. It picks right up where Passion left off, which means in a giant plot-hole. I tried to ignore it, but then they mentioned how time passed differently in the Announcers than in the present, so I couldn't ignore it. They still think they have nine days to stop Lucifer, even though those nine days are happening in the past, so they really only have a few hours, but they get their nine days to have a scavenger hunt. Yay.
Rapture is mainly a scavenger hunt. Daniel remembers that he did research on the Fall way back in the day, and now they have to track down these three relics, go to a predestined location, and all will be revealed. This part was okay. Daniel and Luce, of course, pair off together to go after one the relics and get it, while everyone else is having loads of trouble with their assignments. And enemies become friends because Daniel is awesome, and Luce finally remembers how they first met.
The only thing I really wanted to know at this point was how Luce and Daniel got together in the first place and why it's worth throwing the world into chaos. I had my theory and I was wrong. I totally did not see that coming, although it makes perfect sense (shocking!). I did have plenty of eye-rolling moments, because things do get quite melodramatic when Luce has to face off with someone from her past. It was like an episode of Divorce Court stupid, yet oddly entertaining. Hooray for relationship drama.
The conclusion of Rapture left me torn. I normally do like this type of ending, but only when the events leading up to it make sense. There's still that issue of choosing between Heaven and Hell, but being Luce and Daniel, they can't just choose one. They have to go all special and out of the box and be ridiculous, because God hates love or something. Then the author screws up time again, because apparently someone can be conceived, born, and turn eighteen within seventeen years. And we don't even learn what happens with the balance. Who won?! God?! Lucifer?! Love?!
Like the rest of the series, Rapture was oddly addicting, but that doesn't really make it good. I suppose I liked it in a way, but mostly found it pretty ridiculous. While the romance has been the main focus, I still wanted to know how this whole war between Heaven and Hell would end, but apparently that is not important when Daniel and Luce's love is on the line. Again.

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