Joseph Road Choices that Determine Your Destiny edition by Jerry White Religion Spirituality eBooks

Shattered dreams can be the source of your greatest hope. DO YOU WONDER IF GOD HAS A DESTINY FOR YOU? Joseph’s life is a winding tale, from the choices laid before him to the struggles he endured to the protection God bestowed on him. Out of the ashes of disaster, God enabled him to rescue Egypt and to save a deeply flawed family that grew into a great nation. Let Jerry White show you how “the Joseph Plan” can reveal your own true destiny.
Joseph Road Choices that Determine Your Destiny edition by Jerry White Religion Spirituality eBooks
One of the most worthwhile books a disciple can readProduct details

Tags : Joseph Road: Choices that Determine Your Destiny - Kindle edition by Jerry White. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Jerry White,Joseph Road: Choices that Determine Your Destiny,Jerry White,RELIGION Christian Life Spiritual Growth,RELIGION Christian Life Personal Growth
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Joseph Road Choices that Determine Your Destiny edition by Jerry White Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
"This is the crux of The Joseph Road," writes Jerry White in this wonderful new book. "Not knowing one thing about the future, Joseph simply did good in whatever tasks or opportunities came his way."
Some books you must read quickly--vainly searching for the good stuff. Other books you savor slowly and chew on the morsels and insightful questions. This is a chewable book. It's devotional. It's thought-probing. And amazingly, it's also a page-turner. How could that be? After all, many of us have known the story of the Old Testament's Joseph since childhood.
White weaves the reader in and out of Joseph's journey from favorite hated forgotten Potiphar's senior VP...and then to prison. Yet even behind bars, "he ended up managing the whole operation," says Genesis 3922 in The Message. I must confess, I've never used any leadership and management principles from the life of Joseph--but his faithfulness, endurance, and integrity ooze with dozens of insights for future staff meetings.
As the president emeritus of The Navigators, you would expect Jerry's book to have meat. But he also adds a friendly dose of personal stories (including a tragic family event) as he notes his faith-walk through the Air Force, NASA, teaching at the Air Force Academy, serving as a major general in the Air Force Reserve and then giving leadership to The Navigators. There's joy--but there's also plenty of tough CEO choices and sadness.
White's bullet point summary of Joseph's life is fascinating and so he convinced me to "bullet point" my major life events--to see what I could learn from those forks-in-the-Joseph Road. Jerry illustrated how to do this exercise with bullet points of his own life.
I won't spoil the ending of this epic biblical account for you. You may think you already know the story. Think again. This is the PERFECT book to give to your staff or department prior to a team day or staff retreat. I just hope Jerry is working on another Old Testament hero for his next book.
I love Joseph's story in the Bible. Joseph was Jacob's favorite son who made his brothers so jealous and angry that they sold him into slavery in Egypt, but his story doesn't end here. He is falsely accused of trying to sleep with Potiphar's wife, goes to prison, practically forgotten about until the Pharaoh has some disturbing dreams. Joseph made a choice to follow God and be obedient even when it seemed like God had all but abandoned him.
Although we see the end of Joseph's story, he had no way of knowing if he would ever be saved, and yet, he refused to turn his back on God. How many times do we blame God for the things that happen to us? How often do we praise God for our struggles especially when we look back and realize the things we suffered through were part of God's plan?
Jerry White in "The Joseph Road" shows us how following the "Joseph Plan" can reveal our own destiny even in the midst of trials and troubles. Are you struggling in your life today? Are you seeking God's direction for your life and wondering if He has forgotten about you because you are struggling? "The Joseph Road" will offer you perspective through the eyes of Joseph. Follow Joseph's winding path to God's plan for His life and you will discover that God treats us no different.
My life has been a winding road, but I know that God has a plan. My responsibility is to follow God and be obedient, just like Joseph. Because I've seen the end of Joseph's story, I can have confidence in God's plan for my life. Joseph didn't have the luxury of God's Word written down. He didn't have preachers and teachers who studied God's Word and taught the application, but he was able to become the man God designed him to be.
I am grateful today for Joseph's example of obedience and perseverance. Without it, where would we be? Where would God's people be? God has a plan. Joseph is proof.
Disclosure of Material Connection I received this book free from NavPress as part of their Book Review Blogger Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
One of the most worthwhile books a disciple can read

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