The Book of Jasher Time Information in Jasher eBook Gael Bataman Kazi Tsadaka

The Book of Jasher is one of the most accurate and significant histories of ancient life on this planet. It presents much of the history recorded in Genesis and Exodus, often with greater detail and always with details of the time frames of these events. This examination of that time information is extremely helpful in putting these events in perspective.
The Book of Jasher Time Information in Jasher eBook Gael Bataman Kazi Tsadaka
While it looks like this book could be very interesting there is no table of contents at least in the Kindle version. Makes for incredibly frustrating study! I wish I had not bought it. I hope the paperback is a better format but since I can not find that information I wont be buying that format.Product details

Tags : The Book of Jasher: Time Information in Jasher eBook: Gael Bataman, Kazi Tsadaka: Kindle Store,ebook,Gael Bataman, Kazi Tsadaka,The Book of Jasher: Time Information in Jasher,Zadok Watchmen,History Ancient General,Religion History
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The Book of Jasher Time Information in Jasher eBook Gael Bataman Kazi Tsadaka Reviews
There is a wealth of information in this book. For me, it was helpful in filling in the blanks of time that Scripture leaves. As people who believe in Yehuveh, we have lost so much information that was intended for us in the beginning. The book of Jasher was one of those pieces. I am so very grateful to have it back. Thank you so very much G. Bataman for all the work you have done to bring it to the people at large.
I love both history and math. This book adds a fantastic chronology to the ancient narrative, providing fascinating insights rarely known. For example, Rebecca was only ten years old when she married Isaac. And Jacob's sons, Levi and Simeon, were barely teenagers when they destroyed the entire city of Shechem. It's a most interesting read.
Puts a lot of details in perspective in the Genesis story.
While it looks like this book could be very interesting there is no table of contents at least in the version. Makes for incredibly frustrating study! I wish I had not bought it. I hope the paperback is a better format but since I can not find that information I wont be buying that format.

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