Five English Reformers edition by J C Ryle Religion Spirituality eBooks

There are certain facts in history which the world tries hard to forget and ignore. These facts get in the way of some of the world's favourite theories, and are highly inconvenient. The consequence is that the world shuts its eyes against them. They are either cut dead as vulgar intruders, or passed by as tiresome bores. Little by little they sink out of sight of the students of history, like ships in a distant horizon, or are left behind like a luggage train in a siding. Of such facts the subject of this paper is a vivid example--"The Burning of our English Reformers; and the Reason why they were Burned."
Five English Reformers edition by J C Ryle Religion Spirituality eBooks
The actual biographies of the five men highlighted are quite short, though indeed intriguing. I had hoped for much more on their lives, but the author instead used their lives and theology as a defense against encroaching Catholic doctrine 300 years after the Reformation. So it was informative, the biographies were engaging, though short. I guess my only complaint is that it was a different book than I had hoped, but I can't blame the author for that.Product details

Tags : Five English Reformers - Kindle edition by J. C. Ryle. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Five English Reformers.,ebook,J. C. Ryle,Five English Reformers,Heritage Bible Fellowship,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Inspiration & Personal Growth,RELIGION Christian Life Inspirational
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Five English Reformers edition by J C Ryle Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews
Prompt delivery. Came as expected and good book!
Gut wrenching accounts of the deaths of five great men. Ryle's descriptions of the lives of the reformers inspire me. The book drives home the importance of clarity around communion, Lord's supper. Great short history of the church during the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary. Great book.
J. C. Ryle does a fantastic job of expressing the views of five unique men that were burned at the stake for their religious opinion. In addition to the historical significance of the events, the author delves into the opinions of each of the five men. Their firm stance on the subject of transubstantiation led them to the stake and none of them recanted to save his own life. The flame they lit over 450 years ago still burns brightly today.
I highly recommend this book to all that enjoy this period of English history and to all that seek an understanding of true Christian faith during the Reformation in England.
Men like these who were willing to give there lives for Christ far exceed me. Few people in America today would be willing to die for Christ
If you don't know why you should be profoundly grateful for the work of the reformers, you'll enjoy this book. Even if you have a decent grasp on the reformation work, this book may well drop your jaw. Each of the men's lives covered in this book were in Foxe's Book of Martyrs, but this was still a very worth read. Actually, the intro alone was worth the price of the book.
A riveting account of the heroic English Reformers and their martyrdom for the faith. Ryle's passion for the truth of the Christian faith and the enduring legacy of men like Latimer, Ridley, Cranmer, and Bradford shines brightly on these pages. In an age when
theological clarity and sound doctrine seem insignificant to many, this book is a sober reminder of the trials some have had to
endure for their biblical convictions. Ryle makes frequent use of "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" to provide eyewitness accounts of the
sufferings of the Reformers and encourages his readers to follow their faith. A book that both informs about the history of the
Church in England and stirs the heart to renewed commitment to the foundations of the Christian faith.
The actual biographies of the five men highlighted are quite short, though indeed intriguing. I had hoped for much more on their lives, but the author instead used their lives and theology as a defense against encroaching Catholic doctrine 300 years after the Reformation. So it was informative, the biographies were engaging, though short. I guess my only complaint is that it was a different book than I had hoped, but I can't blame the author for that.

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