Heart Of The Wild Rita Hestand 9781876962258 Books

Heart Of The Wild Rita Hestand 9781876962258 Books
I guess the fact that I am not sure if I liked this book or not is a victory in and of itself. The story line alone is not bad. It is different, and that is good. This is also a fairly clean romance. There is some language, but no explicit loving...it was only hinted at. I did, however, find it to be completely unrealistic. I could not see this happening at all. The characters (Chay and Kasie) fought themselves about way too much, the dialogue was very confusing to me at times, and I could not like the heroine in the least. I guess that I am truly a romantic though, because I found myself rooting for the happy ever after in the end. Almost 12 hours after reading this one, I still am having difficulty writing this review. I am just not sure how much I liked it or disliked it. I am playing it safe and going with 3 stars...
Tags : Heart Of The Wild [Rita Hestand] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Kaisie Moore had run from a planned marriage 8 years ago. Now kidnapped by her father's choice of husbands she must battle old hurts. The blizzard is doing nothing to keep her hidden passions intact. Seeking to keep her heart and regain her freedom she must fight Chayton's attraction. Chayton might have agreed to the kidnapping,Rita Hestand,Heart Of The Wild,Writers Exchange E-Publishing,1876962259,Rita Hestand,Fiction General
Heart Of The Wild Rita Hestand 9781876962258 Books Reviews
The plot had potential..it was believable..unfortunately the author missed it. It was still a fairly good read. I am happy it was free on my Fire. I am not sure who to blame for the many many typos or lost sentences. There were times I would have to read a paragraph over and over again to figure out what was trying to be said.
Having been in a Love/Hate relationship before I found the relationship between Kasey and Chay believable but, I fear other readers would be lost and/or would lose interest.
I am willing to read another book from this author before I cast final judgement as to if I would be willing to pay my hard earned money on purchasing another book from her.
I have to say I've never come across a book I couldn't finish,even if they were poorly written I muddled through, but about half way through this one I simply gave up. There was no focus or fluidity in the story. The female lead drove me absolutely crazy. She was suppose to be kidnapped, but any time she came across someone who could potentially be of help to her, she kept her mouth shut, and just stood there, even when the kidnapper was gone! For a female lead who is tired of having her life completely controlled for her, she sure does relinquish that control rather easily, and then whines about it later. And I'm sorry but when you "kidnap" someone you don't take them with you to register in an inn or leave them alone in a store, when a family all of a sudden has car trouble in the snow. Of course then like one big happy family they all chat and wave before saying goodbye to the family with car trouble who they watch drive off in the car once it get's pulled out of the drift. of course this is going on in a blizzard.
Could the story have potential? Yeah it could, but from the repetitive nature of some conversations, to the heroine going from one extreme to the other, I just gave up. With a little more focus, and fleshing out of the characters, the plot has some potential, I just felt like the plot was forced and the characters didn't mesh well together.
Maybe the story got better later on, but I just got to the point I couldn't finish...
I will read almost anything and even when mediocre I am slow to post a bad review.
This book is cause for an exception.
The characters are confused and shallow, the dialogue choppy, the premise contrived.
Kasie refers to herself as being a tomboy and growing up in the mountains but is horrified and offended about the lack of bathrooms in a rustic cabin and has never chopped wood or shot a gun. She is the 26 year old daughter of two wildly famous and wealthy individuals and is engaged to marry a rockstar and yet maintains a menial job in computers. People get shot or mauled by bears and the "doc" can make it to the cabin but Kasie can't leave and those injured never go to the hospital. People are rescued from a plane crash, but are so hungry that they stop by for Thanksgiving dinner, where during the rescue the hero's brother has managed to reconnect with his own lady love and get engaged. Kasie feeds a problematic wild bear near the cabin and she is chastised for being so stupid and later the hero tells her that she is the best bear feeder he's ever known.
I kept asking myself why I kept on reading it...the only reasonable answer is that I just couldn't look away. Like an accident on the side of the road sometimes you just have to see how bad the carnage is.
This one was bad. If you read it i recommend you wear your seatbelt.
The writing is almost juvenile and stilted in style. There are no contractions and the editing leaves much to be desired. The plot is almost nonexistent. The characters are hardly believable. Event the prologue begins with the actual story, not in the past when Kasie overheard the conversation between Amory and her father. That would have set the story up. I mean, come on, who says being a tomboy means you can't be a real woman, which is what is intimated in this novel. Or that women have certain work they should be doing and men have other work and neither the twain shall meet? She actually used the term woman's work! What is with the whole virtue thing also? I men, if my father asked me if I had been violated at age 24, I would have told him to mind his own business. She's been engaged twice but is still has not been violated? Who says that? At least make it a life style choice. By the way, I'm not a 20 something, I'm a grandmother. Also, smoking indoors? Really? And only the mean light up? What century are we in? That is part of the problem with this novel. Most of the time as I read this, I felt like I was reading one that took place 100 years ago, not today. However, the female lead character is a computer programmer. There are secondary characters that are stuck in just to explain the plot but the connections are never made between them and the main characters. And then we have the idea that the main character is a bigot and that's why she didn't marry the guy in the first place. I mean, wasn't she terribly hurt by him and that's why she left? And her father is married to a Native American. On that note, who uses the term Indian any more? I managed to finish this book, but only because I hoped it would improve. It didn't. I have never given such as scathing review but and I apologize to the author because I know you did your best, but maybe she should read some good romance novels.
I guess the fact that I am not sure if I liked this book or not is a victory in and of itself. The story line alone is not bad. It is different, and that is good. This is also a fairly clean romance. There is some language, but no explicit loving...it was only hinted at. I did, however, find it to be completely unrealistic. I could not see this happening at all. The characters (Chay and Kasie) fought themselves about way too much, the dialogue was very confusing to me at times, and I could not like the heroine in the least. I guess that I am truly a romantic though, because I found myself rooting for the happy ever after in the end. Almost 12 hours after reading this one, I still am having difficulty writing this review. I am just not sure how much I liked it or disliked it. I am playing it safe and going with 3 stars...

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