Dark Sentinel Carpathian Novel A Book 32 eBook Christine Feehan

Dark Sentinel Carpathian Novel A Book 32 eBook Christine Feehan
I had no idea what was going on and I've read most of the 30+ Carpathian novels although I have missed a few of the more recent ones. I should not have to read every single one of Feehan's books to understand this one. At this point, there are just too many characters in Feehan's universe.Another problem I had with this novel was all the talkie talkie and no action. You read a vampire romance and you want action, right? Not here. The reason for this is because the H, Andor, is wounded and must spend the first 40% of the book in the ground recovering. Then there's the h, Lorraine, who spends that time debating with herself. This made for a pretty boring read.

Tags : Amazon.com: Dark Sentinel (Carpathian Novel, A Book 32) eBook: Christine Feehan: Kindle Store,ebook,Christine Feehan,Dark Sentinel (Carpathian Novel, A Book 32),Berkley,Fantasy - Dark Fantasy,Fantasy - Paranormal,Romance - Paranormal - Vampires,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Carpathian Mountains,FICTION Fantasy Dark Fantasy,FICTION Fantasy Paranormal,FICTION Romance Paranormal Vampires,Fantasy - Dark Fantasy,Fantasy - Paranormal,Fantasy fiction,Fantasy fiction.,Fiction,Fiction-Romance,FictionFantasy - Dark Fantasy,FictionFantasy - Paranormal,GENERAL,General Adult,Immortalism,Man-woman relationships,Monograph Series, any,Occult fiction,Paranormal fiction,Paranormal romance stories,Paranormal romance stories.,Romance - Paranormal - Vampires,Romance fiction,RomanceGeneral,United States,Vampire fiction,Vampires,Vampires;Fiction.,best sellers list new york times 2018;new york times best sellers;christine feehan shadow rider series;christine feehan dark series;christine feehan;christine feehan books;carpathian series by christine feehan;carpathian series;supernatural books;supernatural;vampire books;shapeshifter;vampire romance books;paranormal books;dark fantasy;fantasy;vampire romance;paranormal romance books;paranormal romance;fantasy books;feehan;christine feehan carpathian series;vampires;romance;vampire,christine feehan books; carpathian series by christine feehan; carpathian series; dark series; supernatural books; supernatural; vampire books; shapeshifter; vampire romance books; shapeshifter romance books; paranormal books; dark fantasy; fantasy; vampire romance; paranormal romance books; paranormal romance; christine feehan; christine feehan new releases 2018; christine feehan dark series; christine feehan shadow rider series; best sellers list new york times 2018; new york times best sellers; fantasy books,FICTION Fantasy Dark Fantasy,FICTION Fantasy Paranormal,FICTION Romance Paranormal Vampires,FictionFantasy - Dark Fantasy,FictionFantasy - Paranormal,Fiction
Dark Sentinel Carpathian Novel A Book 32 eBook Christine Feehan Reviews
No summary of the book here as many have done so previously. A few comments Lorraine and Andor are simply great together -- dialogue -- spot on -- action -- spot on. Continuing previous characters and/or mention of previous characters -- always like this continuity. New information re Malinovs and their actions -- yes! Unfortunate repetition of stream-of-consciousness by Lorraine and Andor -- ugh. Really, once or twice or maybe three times in a novel is PLENTY of repetition otherwise bogs down the story -- and it did. Twist with Ferro - yes. Please, quit dragging out Sergey story arc. It feels as if the Carpathians struggle ceaselessly here. I am beyond impatient with the beating of this same drum.
I had mixed feeling about Dark Sentinel. I had to read it twice to figure out why it was not holding my attention. I listened on audible book and then I went back and read my HB book. I couldn't make up my mind if its a 3 star story or a 4 star. So I gave it the benefit of the doubt and gave it 4 stars.
Lorraine Peters is one of the best written lifemates I have read in awhile. She is a martial arts instructor. Her family worked as martial arts instructors. Then one day her once loving brother goes off the rails and kills her entire family. I like that Christine Feehan use her Martial Arts training and experience, which is a part of herself to create Lorraine. I believe CF is a Black Belt. Lorraine is intelligent witty and very brave. She reminded me a bit of Natalya from Dark Demon and her flaming hair spray canisters she used to kill vampire. Lorraine used Wasp Spray and Alcohol mix to kill vampires. Lorraine was quick and she didn't hover or back down. I just loved her. She was a perfectly written heroine. Can't say as much for Andor. He's a bit boring. He is the same old same old Carpathian male. He was a bit more modern thinking then a lot of Ancients. He just wasn't impressive enough for me. These ancients from the monastery keep getting outsmarted by Sergey. Who is quite impressive. I hated that Vadim is still alive or is he Sergey's slave? That's a mystery there and I don't know when we will find out whats really going on with the two Malinov brothers. I just know Sergey was more impressive then The Ancients in the story.
The storyline needed some excitement. Something like Emeline having the baby or Trixie, Fane Andre and Teagan arriving from the monastery. The storyline just did Not move forward. Not one bit. The ending surprising twist was a bit disappointing as well, because it ends on a Cliffhanger and I don't like Cliffhangers. I loved hearing about Aiden Savage, Alexandra and Joshua. I hope we get to read how they make out in the future with there life changes. I can't say what those are you have to read the story.
So I guess people who read this review will ask why 4 star instead of 3. Well because the first part of the story is very good and most of the ending is very good. The middle needs some fun excitement. But Overall I like this story a lot.
I have no idea what has happened to her writing, all I can say is boring I used to love her books especially the early ones.
There really isn't a whole lot to say about this book in particular. Definitely, if you have not read the entire series (and I mean the entire 31 books prior to this series), most of this book will be well beyond your grasp. I continue to read the Dark series because I like the overall plot development. Some books are so amazing that I could read them over and over. Others offer so little to the overall story that even when I re-read the series I skip over them entirely... that is what this book will be for me. I can only imagine that the purpose of it is to introduce that Sergei is indeed the vampire to be most concerned by, and that the Carpathians need to start changing the way their practices and longstanding ideals if they are going to keep up with vampires advancement. After reading the book, I can say that I liked Lorraine as a character and thought she was a good partner to Andor. I like that Gary, Sanduu, and Ferro, all combined their souls with hers to save her lifemate and I think given how much stress was put on the significance of this act.. this will probably play a role in upcoming books. I was so looking forward to this novel but was left with a meh feeling. Now I get to wait another year for a book that will probably put this one to shame since.. clearly.. this was just a lead in for the next.
Enough already. You always cut the story short in order to add those chants and language/phrase mini-dictionaries at the end of the book. I'm talking more than ten percent at the end of each book. It was okay in the first few books but I feel like you cheat your readers by adding so much content that is not part of the current story. You always translate the words and phrases used within the story. I think that is more than enough.Also, the books are cut off abruptly when there is potentially more storyline material to be utilized. Please take this request seriously. Thank you for your consideration.
I am a long time fan of the author, been with this series since the beginning (which is a considerably long time). The last few books are just as this one was, bland. As much as I dislike saying this, when is it going to end? For me, was like reading Harry Potter, couldn't wait for it to end! Please do not ruin what has historically been a wonderful series by extending its life beyond its time. First, it was Xavier and the extinction of the species. Then it was Xavier's brothers, of which there was no mention of what do ever in previous books. Next the monastery and the Malinov brothers again! Please let it end gracefully and as wonderful as it started.
I had no idea what was going on and I've read most of the 30+ Carpathian novels although I have missed a few of the more recent ones. I should not have to read every single one of Feehan's books to understand this one. At this point, there are just too many characters in Feehan's universe.
Another problem I had with this novel was all the talkie talkie and no action. You read a vampire romance and you want action, right? Not here. The reason for this is because the H, Andor, is wounded and must spend the first 40% of the book in the ground recovering. Then there's the h, Lorraine, who spends that time debating with herself. This made for a pretty boring read.

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